Prevent instead of treating

Proper oral hygiene is the basis of good oral health and prevention of diseases such as tooth decay or periodontitis. Both your daily hygiene and periodic hygiene treatments carried out by a hygienist or your dentist are important. To keep your teeth healthy, it is recommended to have regular dental check-ups at least once every six months.

Regular check-ups at Materna Dental – why are they worth it?

  • The best equipment and tools

For prophylactic treatments, we use the highest quality dental equipment. This allows our work to be carried out efficiently and comfortably.

  • Teeth free from plaque and tartar

Scaling, sandblasting and fluoridation are the basic preventive treatments, and you will see their effects right after they are carried out.

  • You are under the constant care of specialists

All our treatments are performed by experienced dental hygienists and doctors. Every member of our team is committed to providing you with the best possible care and treatment.

  • Guarantee of the highest quality

Prophylactic treatments are carried out immediately during one visit. You will get rid of unsightly sediment and tartar for many months.

Scaling and sandblasting

The aesthetics of the smile is extremely important for every patient. A beautiful smile gives you self-confidence and definitely increases the comfort of life. Healthy teeth require proper care both at home and through regular check-ups. One way to clean your teeth regularly is by scaling and sandblasting.

Through our daily lifestyle, we are exposed to many factors that cause discoloration and dental plaque on our teeth. Not all of them can be removed by brushing alone. The plaque that appears undergoes mineralization, which in turn forms tartar. Tartar promotes the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay and also compresses the gums, which leads to periodontal diseases. It is also one of the reasons for bad breath. Any impurities and deposits on the teeth can be removed by dental treatments. Scaling and sandblasting is an excellent solution for people who struggle with the problem of tartar. Fluoridation of teeth is also very helpful, as it strengthens the enamel.

What is scaling?

Scaling is nothing more than the removal of tartar with manual or mechanical dental scalers. Ultrasonic scalers produce high-frequency vibrations that are transmitted to the tooth surface. The result of this process is the breakdown and fall off of tartar. With the help of a scaler, the dentist removes not only the visible tartar, but also the one under the surface of the gums.

And what is sandblasting?

Sandblasting is the removal of all kinds of deposits, discolorations and plaque. It is performed with the use of a special dental sandblaster, which effectively cleans the surface of the teeth. The high pressure in the sandblaster creates a water-air aerosol that also contains dental sand. This makes it possible to remove sediment in hard-to-reach places.

How often should I visit a hygienist?

It is recommended to visit a dental hygienist every 6 months. However, it all depends on the patient, their oral health and hygiene- some may need another treatment after three months. Your dentist should advise you on this.

Sandblasting and scaling are usually performed during a single dental visit. It is recommended to follow a white diet for the next 3 days, which means avoid products that are prone to staining teeth, such as coffee, tea, beetroot, berries or red wine. If you need regular sandblasting or scaling, our clinic in Poznań will offer you the highest quality services.

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Dental fluoridation is one of the methods of prophylaxis that primarily serves to protect teeth. The use of fluoride strengthens the enamel and makes the teeth resistant to harmful bacteria. The use of traditional oral hygiene products may not be enough. In such a case, the fluoridation procedure should be performed.


Fluoridation is the application of additional amounts of fluoride in the form of a gel or varnish applied to the teeth. Dental fluoridation is performed to:

  • prevent tooth decay,
  • strengthen the enamel by remineralisation,
  • prevent secondary caries during orthodontic treatment,prevent secondary caries, which may occur in the case of prosthetic fillings and restorations,
  • support the treatment of tooth sensitivity
What is dental fluoridation?

Dental fluoridation treatment can be carried out in several ways. It all depends on the individual circumstances of the patients. Your doctor may prescribe toothpastes with an increased dose of fluoride or use special gels or varnishes that are applied directly to your teeth.

Fluorine varnish contains a very high concentration of fluoride. Its application is carried out directly on the dried tooth surface. The consistency of the varnish and the way it is applied makes it stay on the teeth for several hours. Fluoride varnish can be applied several times a year.

Fluoride gel has a decidedly thick consistency. Its application is carried out with the use of a splint for fluoride prophylaxis, which is perfectly adapted to the shape of the patient’s teeth. The splint can also be used at home. It is enough to put it on for 5 minutes for the gel to penetrate the tooth structure. Gel fluoridation can be used daily for several months.

Dental fluoridation treatment is often used in patients who have previously undergone scaling and sandblasting. It makes tartar and plaque accumulate on the teeth much more slowly. Remember that dental fluoridation is performed not only for aesthetic reasons. As a complement to other cleansing treatments, it protects against the multiplication of bacteria and supports the fight against tooth decay. Dental fluoridation should be performed once a year. It can be used on both adults and children.

Thinking of fluoridation treatment for your or your children’s teeth? Our clinic in Poznań is a great and safe place to do this!
Call us to make an appointment

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Fissure sealing

A beautiful and healthy smile requires proper oral hygiene and regular check-ups at the dentist’s office. Since not all of us manage to keep our teeth healthy for a long time, we should support ourselves with effective methods available on the market. One of these methods is fissure sealing, which is a typical prophylactic procedure. The main reason for sealing the fissures is to protect teeth from decay.

What is the fissure sealing?

Tooth sealing is carried out in a dentist’s office. The procedure itself consists of covering the fissures on the surface of the teeth with a special sealant. The method prevents plaque build-up in the fissures, which automatically allows you to clean your teeth more thoroughly. Protecting teeth with a special sealant allows you to protect against the development of tooth decay, which is the most common disease and very often leads to tooth loss. Fissure sealing can be performed on both permanent and baby teeth.

When should the fissure sealing procedure be performed?

Fissure sealing should be started as early as possible. This procedure works especially well in children, right after the appearance of permanent teeth. The sealing method allows you to strengthen teeth, which are exposed to plaque build-up with the current diet. Each tooth that has been erupted should be sealed during a routine check-up.

How does the fissure sealing procedure work?

The fissure sealing procedure is quick and painless. First, the dentist cleans the surface of the tooth to which the sealant will be attached. Then, an etchant in the form of a gel is applied to the surface of the tooth. It allows for strong and permanent adhesion of the fissure sealing material to the tooth surface. In the next step, the etchant is removed with water and the surface is thoroughly dried. A sealant is then applied and thoroughly distributed. Its delicate and liquid texture allows it to be evenly distributed and reach the deepest fissures. The last stage is to bind the sealant to the tooth by means of irradiation with a special lamp. After curing, the dentist checks whether the applied additional layer does not disturb the occlusion, as no tooth should protrude beyond the entire tooth line.

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FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How often should dental plaque be removed?

Professional hygienization should be carried out one or two times a year with healthy gums. But in the case of any oral diseases or inflammatory changes in the periodontium it can be required as often as every two to three months. Depending on the quality of the patient’s oral hygiene, diet and personal predispositions, the dentist or dental hygienist will recommend the appropriate frequency of treatments.

How can periodontitis be prevented?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is absolutely essential. Plaque control is maintained by brushing and flossing, as well as by using preventive treatments during dental visits. Toothpastes and mouthwashes contain antibacterial agents, which makes them inhibit plaque build-up and prevent gingivitis.
The use of a water flosser is also good – the stream of water under pressure cleans hard-to-reach places and massages the gums, stimulating better blood circulation. A lifestyle that contributes to strengthening the body’s immunity is also important, like a healthy diet, outdoor exercise, non-smoking and limiting or, even better, giving up alcohol.

What is the positive effect of fluoride?

Fluoride compounds have an anti-caries effect by strengthening the outer layer of the tooth – the enamel. Fluoride ions react with enamel apatites (the main building block of tooth enamel). As a result, fluorapatite is formed, which is more resistant to acids. The second anti-caries mechanism of fluoride is the inhibition of the metabolism of bacterial cells found in dental plaque.

How is tooth decay treated?

The damaged tooth structure does not regenerate, but treatment can stop the progressive decay. The goal of treatment is to preserve the tooth and prevent complications. Treatment of caries involves removing damaged tooth tissues and replacing it with material intended for tooth reconstruction – called a “filling”. The most commonly used for this purpose are light-curing composite materials (such a material is malleable, and after insertion into a tooth cavity, it hardens under a special lamp).

In cases of very advanced decay, the soft tissues in the tooth become infected (pulpitis – read more in the Endodontics section). In such cases, root canal treatment is necessary due to the developing inflammation of the dental pulp. Complete neglect of dental decay treatment may lead to the development of gangrene (putrefaction of the tooth pulp) or complete destruction of the tissues of the tooth crown, which results in immediate tooth extraction.

The damaged tooth structure does not regenerate, but treatment can stop the progressive decay. The goal of treatment is to preserve the tooth and prevent complications. Treatment of caries involves removing damaged tooth tissues and replacing it with material intended for tooth reconstruction – called a “filling”. The most commonly used for this purpose are light-curing composite materials (such a material is malleable, and after insertion into a tooth cavity, it hardens under a special lamp).

In cases of very advanced decay, the soft tissues in the tooth become infected (pulpitis – read more in the Endodontics section). In such cases, root canal treatment is necessary due to the developing inflammation of the dental pulp. Complete neglect of dental decay treatment may lead to the development of gangrene (putrefaction of the tooth pulp) or complete destruction of the tissues of the tooth crown, which results in immediate tooth extraction.

If you have any more questions about prevention or thinking of booking one of our preventative treatments, please call us and we will be happy to help and answer all your queries!

Materna DENTAL

modern dental clinic