A full range of dental surgery procedures

When conservative and endodontic treatments are not enough, we find solutions in the field of modern dental surgery. Digital diagnostics allows us to properly plan treatment, and thanks to innovative computer-assisted anaesthesia or inhalation sedation, we are able to perform procedures quickly and painlessly.

Why should you choose our clinic for dental surgery?

  • We will provide you with comprehensive care

Our Clinic offers a comprehensive range of dental treatments designed to meet your unique needs. Our commitment to using the latest technology and techniques ensures that you receive the highest standard of care.

  • Every visit will be comfortable and enjoyable

Our modern clinic is fully air-conditioned. We have comfortable units (armchairs) that will make you feel relaxed throughout the entire treatment. Depending on your preferences, we will anaesthetise you locally through modern, pain-free computer-assisted anaesthesia or offer inhalation sedation with laughing gas.

  • Right after treatment, you will enjoy life to the fullest

We use the latest treatment methods and highest quality tools that limit interference with tissues and speed up healing and regeneration. By undergoing even the most complicated surgery procedure, you will quickly forget about the pain and you will be able to live your life to the fullest.

  • You will be under the care of a team of specialists

Surgical procedures are performed mainly by our principal doctor Tomasz Materna. His qualifications, knowledge and experience have been strengthened during many years of practice and numerous training in Poland and abroad. Dr. Materna is trained in many specialties and is a master at his craft. During each procedure, the doctor is accompanied by a qualified assistant, which ensures the highest standard of treatment.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is the most common type of oral surgery. Tooth removal may be recommended by your dentist if you have severe tooth decay, dental trauma, advanced gum disease or there isn’t enough room in your mouth for the wisdom tooth to grow properly. Tooth extraction may also be necessary to prepare you for a new prosthetic device like bridge, implants or dentures.

Indications for the procedure

Tooth extraction should take place after a thorough oral examination and a review of the patient’s medical history by the doctor. Remember that extraction is an irreversible process, so it must involve making the right decision. Based on X-rays and other specialist images, the surgeon is able to assess whether the condition of the tooth requires extraction or whether there is a chance for its treatment and reconstruction.

A dental extraction can be recommended to patients for many different reasons. While the emphasis is always placed on retaining as much of the dentition as possible, there are cases where unfortunately this is no longer possible or is not in the patient’s best interest.

The most common reasons for tooth removal are: advanced dental caries, when there is not enough healthy tissue to allow for a restoration of any kind; severe gum disease (periodontitis) that caused damage or destruction to the jaw bone; fractured or damaged teeth due to mechanical trauma, that can’t be restored and impacted teeth that can’t erupt properly due to limited space in the mouth – like wisdom tooth.

There are also cases when tooth extraction is necessary for further treatment. For example, when the orthodontist, after conducting a thorough examination, concludes that the possibility of obtaining satisfactory results both in terms of aesthetics and health may occur only after the extraction of one or more teeth.

Tooth extraction procedure

The extraction procedure takes place after appropriate tests have been carried out. After administering anaesthesia to numb the surrounding area, the dentist uses specialised dental instruments to tear the ligaments that surround the tooth. After the application of forceps, the tooth is first dislocated, and then lifted carefully and removed from its socket. Sometimes, small incisions in the gum are made to allow the dentist to access the tooth. This happens if the tooth is broken or badly decayed, or in case of wisdom tooth extraction. At the end of the procedure, the wound is cleaned and disinfected. In certain cases, especially if the patient wants to replace the tooth with dental implant, bone graft may be placed to prevent bone loss. If the wound is large, the dentist may also stitch it, to help with healing.

It is very important to strictly follow your dentist’s post-surgical advice to enable proper healing and to avoid infection. And remember, although it is never nice to hear that you need your tooth extracted, sometimes it is the best way to treat infection and get you back on track to a healthy and beautiful smile!

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Dental bone graft

Bone reconstruction is performed when the bone tissue of the jaws has atrophy as a result of tooth loss. Thanks to the development of modern implant techniques, it is possible to rebuild the bone in the oral cavity to allow future implantation.

Guided bone regeneration

This procedure involves inserting bone graft in the place where the bone loss occurred. The material for the restoration can be taken from the patient himself, purchased from the human tissue bank, animal tissue bank or the material can be synthetic. The bone graft is then covered with a special barrier membrane. The use of this membrane allows to protect the regenerated area against ingrowth of soft tissues. After a few months, as a result of appropriate regeneration, the material used is rebuilt into a fully wholesome bone tissue of the patient.

Having enough of your own bone to collect is the ‘gold standard’ in implantology. Sometimes, however, the patient does not have enough. In this case, biomaterials are used to rebuild it, which are a synthetic substitute for bone. Their use allows the missing bone of the oral cavity to widen in order to replace the defect. After complete healing, the reconstruction of the missing teeth can begin.

Bone reconstruction is most often used in the following cases:
  • reconstruction of the alveolar process for implantation (alveolar process is a thickened ridge of bone that contains the tooth sockets on the jaw bones, which in humans are the maxilla and the mandible)
  • lifting the bottom of the maxillary sinus,
  • reconstruction of the bone around the implant that was placed after the tooth extraction,
  • filling bone defects, e.g. after extractions,
  • repair of bone defects that result from existing periodontitis
  • in patients whose bone has completely disappeared, e.g. after tooth extraction.

The field of dentistry is constantly evolving and changing to better suit patient needs. If you haven’t visited your dentist for some time, you may be very surprised to find out what new options are available to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. To find out more, visit our Clinic in Poznan or call us – we will be more than happy to answer all your questions!

Apicoectomy – Root end surgery

An apicoectomy is also known as root end surgery and refers to the “apex” – the tooth end. The procedure involves the removal of a tooth’s root tip and surrounding tissue due to infection near the root tip or residual inflammation. If your dentist recommended this procedure to you, it’s because standard root canal treatment has already been performed but failed, and there is no other option apart from extraction of the entire tooth. Apicoectomy is the last chance of saving the tooth, at least for some time.

Indications for root end surgery

Indications for the procedure are teeth that have large periapical lesions, as well as those that have died without any pain, and around which inflammation has developed. Root tip surgery is usually performed on teeth that have been root canal treated in the past, but the treatment failed and infection came back. Apicoectomy can also be used in the case of teeth on which a prosthetic restoration has been made, but there is still an inflammatory lesion around the apex, which is not possible to treat.

The procedure

The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. The doctor cuts the mucous membrane located near the tip of the tooth root and pushes it aside, to get to the root. He then proceeds to cut off the tip of the root, as well as any infected tissue surrounding it. After the root tip is removed, the root canal inside the tooth is cleaned and sealed tightly with a small filling to prevent infection in the future. The removal of the bone should be supplemented with bone graft material. Finally, the tissue is stitched, to allow your gum to heal and grow back. Your jawbone should also fully heal eventually, but this process may take several months. Stitches are usually removed a week later.


As with any dental treatments, there is a few contraindications:

  • there is an inflammatory change exceeding 1/3 of the apical part of the root,
  • Patient suffers from periodontitis,
  • there is a longitudinal fracture of the tooth,
  • there are inflammatory changes in the gums
Recovery after procedure

The recovery time after the procedure is between a few days to over one week. You may experience slight bleeding and discomfort in the first 24 hours, as well as swelling of the area. Your doctor may prescribe you antibiotics to help with infection or to prevent one. A bruise in the operated area will be absorbed naturally after a few days. For pain, standard anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are sufficient. It is the patient’s responsibility to come back for a check and stitches removal a week later.

 Don’t delay making a decision about getting an apicoectomy. An infection around one of your teeth could spread, causing serious dental health problems.
If you would like to speak to one of our specialist, please

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Materna DENTAL

modern dental clinic