Mrs Wioletta

A 41 year old female patient visited Materna Dental Clinic inspired by LAVA Digital Crowns.

During her first appointment, the patient admitted that she had been following our work on Instagram and Facebook for several years. As a teenager, she lost her right upper front tooth and since then had always dreamt of a beautiful smile. As she got older, her teeth misaligned in such a way that the right upper second tooth partially moved into place of the lost tooth and the neighbouring one moved towards it, further disrupting the symmetry of her smile. This misalignment was made more noticeable by permanent lip make-up, which emphasised the midline shift.

The patient's smile before the makeover

Uśmiech pacjentki przed metamorfozą

The patient started her transformation at Materna Dental Clinic with a prosthetic consultation with Dr LAVA (Dr Tomasz Materna).

An intraoral examination, photographic documentation, intraoral scan and review were performed.

Missing teeth 16,26,27,36,46 were found.

The patient was referred for hygienist treatment to Dr. Marysia Górka, implant consultation to Dr. Paweł Kulesza and conservative treatment of carious lesions and root canal treatment of teeth with periapical lesions to Dr. Anita Myśliwiec and Dr. Aleksandra Kowalczyk.

The patient opted for implantation at site 26 (Bicon implant), and decided to restore the remaining missing teeth with prosthetic bridges.

A gingivectomy was performed, i.e. reduction of the gums in sections 15-25, thus improving the shape and symmetry of the smile.

Patient's smile before gingivectomy

Uśmiech pacjentki przed podcięciem dziąseł

The patient's smile before her gums are trimmed

Uśmiech pacjentki przed podcięciem dziąseł

Patient's smile after gingivectomy

Uśmiech pacjentki po gingiwektomii

The gingiva of tooth no 12 was modelled to the shape of a front tooth (no 1), tooth 13 to the shape of a tooth no 2 and tooth 14 to the shape of a tooth no 3. Lava Digital Crowns in colour BL2 were planned for the upper arch 17-25 and the lower arch 47-37 and a crown on a Bicon implant in place of a tooth no 26.

Based on the patient’s tooth shape preferences, a visualisation was made for the proposed smile.

Smile visualisation

Wizualizacja uśmiechu

Smile visualisation

Wizualizacja uśmiechu

After the patient’s gums had healed, she came in for a shaving of the upper arch. Fibreglass inlays were placed for the teeth after root canal treatment, an intraoral scan was performed and temporary crowns were made.

During the next appointment, unglazed Lava Digital Crowns were tried on. Alignment in the arch, tooth lengths and shapes were checked. The LAVA Digital Crowns were fitted at the following appointment.

LAVA digital crowns on the model

Korony cyfrowe LAVA na modelu

LAVA BL2 digital crowns on upper arch

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2 na łuku górnym

Patient smile before shaving of the bottom arch

Uśmiech pacjentki przed szlifem dołu

The next stage – the shaving of the teeth in the lower arch, went just as smoothly as the upper arch. An intraoral scan was taken once again and temporary crowns were placed. The unglazed Lava Digital Crowns in the lower arch were then tried on.

Fitting of the unglazed LAVA digital crowns in the bottom arch

Przymiarka dołu bez glazury

Colour, arch alignment, symmetry and occlusion were checked. At the next appointment, Lava Digital Crowns were tried on again and after patient’s approval they were permanently fitted.

LAVA digital crowns on the model

Korony cyfrowe LAVA na modelu

Try-in of LAVA digital crowns in the lower arch

Korony cyfrowe LAVA na modelu

LAVA BL2 digital crowns after fitting

Przymiarka koron cyfrowych LAVA w łuku dolnym

LAVA BL2 digital crowns after installation

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2 po osadzeniu

LAVA BL2 digital crowns after fitting

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2 po osadzeniu

LAVA BL2 digital crowns after fitting

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2 po osadzeniu

Take a look at the effect after the treatments. Now all that’s left is the correction of the permanent lip make-up.

Patient's smile after the makeover

Uśmiech pacjentki po metamorfozie

LAVA BL2 digital crowns after fitting

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2 po osadzeniu

LAVA BL2 digital crowns

Korony cyfrowe LAVA BL2

Patient's smile after the makeover

Uśmiech pacjentki po metamorfozie

Mrs Wioletta's smile makeover

Metamorfoza Pani Wioletty