Mr Jan visited Materna Dental Clinic because of a moving bridge in his lower jaw. During the consultation appointment, it became apparent that the teeth were not holding in the bone, which caused them to loosen. It was recommended that the teeth in the lower jaw should be extracted and an acrylic denture made for the healing period. The patient was not satisfied with the proposed solution and was scheduled for an implant consultation. A CT scan was carried out and two implant sites, 43 and 33, were planned. Due to the patient’s bone conditions, Dr Jacek Pawłowski and Dr Tomasz Materna proposed the fitting of a skeletal lower denture on two implants with Lockits screwed onto them. The MIS LockiT system allows for stable yet comfortable attachment of the prosthesis.
Plaster model with screwed-on LOCKiTs

The patient was scheduled for extraction of teeth no 43, 42, 33 with immediate implantation in sites 43 and 33. The MIS implant system was used. Reconstruction with bone-forming material with the patient’s platelet-rich fibrin was required. Implant uncovering procedure took place 4 months later, followed by dental prosthesis.
The patient chose an acrylic prosthesis in Vita A2 colour.
This solution allows for:
- safety during removal and insertion of the prosthesis,
- the possibility of cleaning the prosthesis and maintaining good hygiene,
- stability of adhesion (even greater with 4 implants),
- the possibility of renovating the prosthesis when the acrylic material wears off.
What appointments are necessary?
- Prosthetic consultation: tomography, pantomogram, photographic documentation, and interview with the patient.
- Implant consultation: interview, examination of the thickness of the alveolar and preliminary planning process of the implant treatment
- Implant procedure.
- Implant uncovering after approx. 4 months (planned individually).
- Initial impressions.
- VDO measurement – determination of occlusal height.
- Try-in of denture.
- Delivery of dental work.
- Follow up appointment.
Denture on LOCKiTs

Skeletal prosthesis from the inside